Welcome to the 2025 season of Illinois Basketball Club. We are excited for you to be a part of it. We are continuing to shape and cultivate our program to be the best it can be. Thank you for your support and for being a part of our IBC family!
Our vision is to see every young basketball player in Central Illinois have the necessary tools to reach their full potential in the sport and in life.
To train and equip basketball players physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Physical (What) – Focus on what our athletes do. This includes a focus on developing on-court skill sets along with off-court disciplines that promote an overall healthy lifestyle.
Mental (When) – Focus on when our athletes do what they do. This includes a focus on developing players’ basketball IQ. Basketball IQ relates to the many factors that show a player’s ability to process information at game speed.
Emotional (How) – Focus on how our athletes play. This includes a focus on developing players’ ability to cope well with the potential positive and negative outcomes of playing the game of basketball.
Spiritual (Why) – Focus on why our athletes play. This includes a focus on developing players’ understanding that basketball is not who they are, but instead something that can be used to glorify God.
Coaches Contact Info
Delandis Beck - 8th Boys
217.778.5804 dbeck@ilbasketballclub.com
Jamie Beck - Admin
217.556.6134 info@ilbasketballclub.com
Matt Clark - 9th Boys
217.737.0900 matclark10@gmail.com
Zachary Davis - 8th Girls
309.696.2785 zdavis@ilbasketballclub.com
Rylee Downers - 7th Girls
217.918.3142 rydowers23@gmail.com
Janell Elliott - 5th Boys (Assistant)
217.979.0777 janellbeth@gmail.com
John Elliott - 5th Boys
217.979.0776 jmelliot@gmail.com
Tianna Kirkland - 7th Girls (Assistant)
734.478.3476 tianna42@icloud.com
Anthony Giboney - 8th Boys (Assistant)
217.255.3854 anthony.giboney@yahoo.com
Jacques LeFaivre - 8th Girls (Assistant)
217.841.5079 ljlefaivre@gmail.com
Pat Miller - 6th Boys
512.632.8302 padmille@yahoo.com
Ron Rhone - 7th Boys
217.721.4536 rrhone2@gmail.com
Israel Wells - 7th Boys (Assistant)
217.390.6564 iswell98@gmail.com
Anthony Woods - 10th Boys
309.846.6605 a32woods@gmail.com
Player Info, Medical History, and Consents
Player Fees
Boys: 5th and 6th Grade
Click the button below to pay your player fee.
Boys: 7th and 8th Grade
Click the button below to pay your player fee.
Boys: 9th Grade
Click the button below to pay your player fee.
Girls: 7th and 8th Grade
Click the button below to pay your player fee.
Save the Fundraising Bingo card image to your device. Share electronically via text, email, and your social media pages.