Register Below
Venue Information
Champaign Central High School
610 W. University Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Who is eligible to participate in this event?
Any pre-registered athlete in 3rd-5th Grade (Session 1) or 6th-8th Grade (Session 2).
What time is the camp?
Session 1:
3rd-5th Grade: Saturday, January 11 @ 3:00 - 4:30pm
Session 2:
6th-8th Grade: Saturday, January 11 @ 4:30 - 6:00pm
Who will coach the camp?
The camp will be conducted by Illinois Basketball Club coaches and assisted by current varsity basketball players from our area high schools.
ls this a coed event?
Yes. This event is open to boys and girls.
Are spectators allowed at this event?
Parents/Guardians may enter the lobby to assist with their athlete’s check-in. We ask that spectators refrain from entering the gym.