Attention: We have reached capacity for this event. Registration is now closed.
Venue Information
Champaign Central High School
610 W. University Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Who is eligible to participate in this event?
Any pre-registered athlete in 3rd-5th Grade (Session 1) or 6th-8th Grade (Session 2).
What time is the camp?
Session 1:
3rd-5th Grade: Saturday, January 11 @ 3:00 - 4:30pm
Session 2:
6th-8th Grade: Saturday, January 11 @ 4:30 - 6:00pm
Who will coach the camp?
The camp will be conducted by Illinois Basketball Club coaches and assisted by current varsity basketball players from our area high schools.
ls this a coed event?
Yes. This event is open to boys and girls.
Are spectators allowed at this event?
Parents/Guardians may enter the lobby to assist with their athlete’s check-in. We ask that spectators refrain from entering the gym.